In this window it is possible to view and change user related settings.
The username that you provided to the system while ceating the user account.
This information cannot be edited.
When required the password can be changed here. Enter a new password here. To complet password change re-enter the password at 'confirm password' and click the 'Submit' button.
When a new password is required re-enter the password here. The changes are completed after the 'Submit' button is clicked.
When required the e-mail address can be changed here. Enter a new e-mail address here. To complet e-mail address change re-enter the e-mail address at 'confirm e-mail' and click the 'Submit' button.
When a new e-mail address is required re-enter the e-mail address here. The changes are completed after the 'Submit' button is clicked.
Select here the language you use. The initial language is selected during the user creation process.
Availabale languages are:
This is the status of your account. Two account types are known:
More information in Accounting .
Name of the Site that is set as your 'Home' in 'My Sites'. The Home Site sets the default location of the map when creating new Sites. This information cannot be edited here.
Latitude part of the coordinate of the Home Site. Latitude is in degrees, decimal-degrees. This information cannot be edited here.
Longitude part of the coordinate of the Home Site. Longitude is in degrees, decimal-degrees. This information cannot be edited here.
Zoom level of the default view that is stored with the Home Site. This information cannot be edited here.
The settings are written to the database.
When the changes are accepted Radio Mobile Online will present the message:
Here your current account can be deleted.
You are send back to the main menu.